What is a post-pandemic NGO?

In 'What might 2021 hold', Stephanie Draper talks about the 'post-pandemic NGO'. She considers how organisations might need to move ahead even more creatively and collaboratively. This is given the acute financial realities that many are facing in wake of Covid-19. To read the article click here. To read our “Essentials of Collaboration” which includes recently added annex about mergers, click here.

Hot off the Press - Essentials of Governance. We are delighted to share this paper. It includes an updated “5M” model (below) that we use in our work on Governance - e.g., recently with Dóchas and Refugee Action. It was devised by Peter (Moore), a Board Advisor and specialist in Governance. To read in English, click here; here for French; here for Spanish.


What is ‘Intersectionality’? This has been described as an “analytical framework for understanding how aspects of a person’s social and political identities combine to create different modes of oppression and privilege”. Examples are shown in the diagram below. We explored it as part of a wider and excellent workshop with Lynne (Sedgmore), one of our Advisors; this was called “A Journey Through Feminism”.

Florence Given quote: “Privilege is usually invisible to the person who has it until it is pointed out to them or after they have lost that privilege”.

Rosie, Ellie, Lorna and Ian

How can we all move forward with hope, optimism and confidence?

Happy New Year! It’s a very challenging time. People within the Caplor Community that receive this are based in different countries and face different circumstances. However, what unites people is the remarkable and important work being done. We wish you all every possible success in 2021.

Our purpose is “to inspire and enable leaders to deliver a sustainable future”. Our resolution is to continue to find ways to do this as effectively as possible. We thank all those that have recently been contributing to the renewal of our strategy. More on that to follow in coming months.

How to move forward with hope, optimism and confidence? We recommend an article called “How to reenergize organizations for the long run”. It explores ideas on working life in a Covid-19 world. Click here to read.

The article highlights five areas to consider: encourage “bounded optimism”; listen deeply for responses to stress; develop adaptability and resilience; focus on care, connection and wellbeing; develop energy by evolving the organization’s approach.

Ella’s is recruiting! Ella’s is a longstanding partner of ours. They are a London-based organisation working with women who have survived trafficking and sexual exploitation. Ella’s is looking for two new board members. Click here to find more information about the roles and how to apply.

We continue to incubate an organisation to speed up government action towards a healthy planet. This is called The Commitment. A very big welcome to three new team members who started this week: Ruth Marshall, Daniel Greenwood and Sophie O’Connell.

Helen Keller Quote:optimism is the faith that leads to achievement. Nothing can be done without hope and confidence”.

Rosie, Ellie, Lorna and Ian

Why does unconscious bias matter so much?

Unconscious bias. Our work with Irish based An Cosàn has been wide ranging. This has included recently assisting the CEO, Heydi Foster-Breslin, and her team facilitate an unconscious bias initiative. To watch a short animation about unconscious bias, click here.

Wolf-pack?! Last week we gathered online for our sixth and final session with An Cosán this year. Each time around 100 people are involved. An Cosán has epitomized the resilience and commitment of many organisations that we work with - e.g., because of the pandemic, moving various very important services to communities online. Click here for insights about An Cosán’s Wolf-pack culture and values.

We appreciate that 2020 has been a very difficult year because of the covid-19 pandemic and other important issues. For instance, in recent weeks, we have supported the work of Children Watch in Tamil Nadu. The Children Watch team initiated an emergency response programme because of dreadful cyclonic activity that is causing immense suffering in the area.

Reflecting on the remarkable commitment and resilience of so many of the organisations we work with, we will do our utmost to keep delivering and improving what we do in 2021.

Thank you! We would like to say a very big thank you to everyone that is involved in Caplor Horizons in one way or another. We could not do what we do without the very generous and proactive engagement of many people.

We wish you all very best seasonal wishes. Here is a picture from our board meeting a couple of weeks ago. The geese theme is to do with our values and culture. Click here to learn more about this.

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Dalai Lama quote: “There are only two days in the year that nothing can be done. One is called ‘Yesterday’ the other is called ‘Tomorrow’. Today is the right day to love, believe, do and mostly live.”

With great appreciation and warm wishes,

Rosie, Ellie, Lorna and Ian

Being leaderful?!

What is “Leaderful” all about? It is about effective leadership in turbulent times and includes three integrated elements as illustrated below…

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We very greatly appreciate Lynne (Sedgmore), one of our Advisors, who created a ‘Leaderful Way’ paper. Click here to read her paper; or here to read “The Soulful Organisation in our new book.

We are recruiting: The Commitment (UK based) is being incubated within Caplor Horizons. It is dedicated to addressing climate change and biodiversity loss. Our team is expanding. To learn more, click here.

Are you free? Excitingly, The Commitment has secured an opportunity to pitch at a live crowdfunding event hosted by the “Environmental Funders Network”, on Wednesday evening UK time. If you would like to join the party, click here. You are most welcome!

Dementia Matters! We are delighted to be working again with Dementia Matters in Powys (DMiP). This organisation, based in Wales, gives a voice to those living with dementia and supports them in their everyday lives.

Henna Inam quote: “Authentic leadership is the full expression of “me” for the benefit of “we”

Have a great day!

Lorna, Ian, Rosie and Ellie

How would you like to go for a walk?

A walk? We often use the notion of “walking-around” the Caplor House in our sessions. For instance, most recently with the board and staff of Dóchas

When considering behavioural preferences, the “walk-around” can be a very effective individual and team development exercise. Or it can be used as a planning or strategy tool. To learn about the concept of a walk-around, click here

Dóchas is the umbrella body for international development organisations in Ireland. We are delighted to have been facilitating two activities recently: (a) a learning process with the Chairs and Deputy Chairs of “Working Groups”; (b) the development of an “Interim Strategy Statement” which has included team development and a session on governance with the board.

Dóchas works very closely with the Government of Ireland. Click here to read more about the Irish Government’s Policy on International Development.

What is Hope-Based Communications? Through our partnership with UK based Paper Boat, we are working with CEDAR, an NGO in Tamil Nadu, India. Currently we are conducting a 3-part online programme called “Hope Based Communications.”

What does the programme involve? The first session focused on “why do hope-based communications and stories of change matter”; the next on “how can stories be collected and communication improved”; the final session on “what actions will be taken going forwards”. To learn more, relevant to this approach, read “The Influencing Organisation” chapter in our new book by clicking here

John Muir Quote: “I only went out for a walk and finally concluded to stay out till sundown, for going out, I found, was really going in.”

Have a great day!

Lorna, Ian, Rosie and Ellie

Think Big. Act Wild?!

Think Big. Act Wild?! Recently, we chaired, spoke and facilitated a keynote and break-out session at a fascinating Conference. This was organised by our long-term partners EAUC. Hundreds of UK based students and leaders involved with the movement towards a sustainable future participated in the Conference.

The keynote included the Director of Rewilding Britain, hence ‘Think Big. Act Wild’. Other contributors to the keynote - called ‘The Future Now’ – included the Co-ordinator for the UK’s first Local Conference on Youth; the Director of Drawdown Labs and Prince Charles. Dan shared a model focused on how to think differently about transformational change. See below.

The Future Now  - KEYNOTE  Monday 16th November 2020.png

What is Rewilding? Rewilding can be defined as the: “restoration of ecosystems to the point where nature is allowed to take care of itself.” Furthermore, it seeks to: “reinstate natural processes and where appropriate, missing species.” To learn more about Rewilding and Rewilding Britain click here

Thank you! On Friday we had 63 people (based in 11 different countries) from our Caplor Community join a first session of our ‘Strategic Change and Development Group’. Currently 90 people have generously committed to being involved with the Group at one point or another.

What is this about? In essence, we want to be creative and involve members of our Caplor Community in the development of our new strategy (our current one runs to March 2020). And we want to do this in a systematic way that will strengthen our structure. If you would like to know more, please get in touch. We will share about our progress as we go along.

Want to be involved? If you are not a member of this Group at the moment, though would like to contribute in a highly efficient way (that would only take around 5-10 mins), we would very much welcome your attention to questions in a survey. Click here to access the survey. Thank you for considering this. Everyone is very welcome to take part and contribute.

Rewilding Britain quote: “Think long term. Think joined up. Think natural processes. Think climate resilience. Think Big. Act Wild.”

Have a great day!

Lorna, Ian, Rosie and Ellie

How can we eliminate violence against women and children?

How can we eliminate violence against women and children? We have been facilitating a strategy process with a US based ‘Justice Group’. This inspirational group of women is striving to reach horizons: it is concentrating on the Elimination of Violence Against Women and Children with a particular focus on formal and informal education.

We have also just facilitated a learning forum on gender balance and cross-cultural communication. This was with a group of remarkable leaders from across the Lasallian network.

The learning forum was part of a wider programme centred on helping bring about strategic and cultural change across the Lasallian network. It has involved the contributions of many people over this past year, most recently, for instance, Fiona (Dowling). Thank you to all involved.

Our Feminist Principles? During the learning forum we shared our nine principles. These are pictured below.

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Want to learn more? Click here to read our Thought Leadership Paper on Developing a Gender Balanced Mindset. Or here to hear a fascinating podcast about a feminist called Mary Astell; she lived hundreds of years ago and was one of the first people to highlight the connection between achieving gender balance and education.

This Year’s Annual Report – click here to read our latest Annual Report which has just been published following the completion of an independent examination of our Accounts

Alice Walker quote: “No one is your friend who demands your silence or denies your right to grow”

Have a great day!

Ellie, Rosie, Lorna and Ian

Who are Experts by Experience?!

Who are Experts by Experience? We have recently had the opportunity to facilitate sessions with the 'Experts by Experience' Group at Refugee Action. This group involves people that have experience relevant to the work of Refugee Action. They act as 'critical friends' to the staff leadership team and board.

We focused on the 5M model of Governance during our last session. This model was created by Dr Peter Moore; he is an Advisor and specialist in Governance (see image below).

5M - governance model.jpg

To learn more about Refugee Action, a charity based in the UK, click here.

Fanfare! We've just revised our 'Essentials of a Learning Organisation'. We are particularly appreciative of the contributions of Dr Kemal Shaheen, Craig Franz and Professor Sharon Turnbull in relation to this. To read in English click here; in Spanish click here; in French click here.

Sadako Ogato quote: "I wish to call on you to join hands in the building of a world in which less people will be forced to flee, and in which refugees are protected until they can safely return home one day."

Have a great day!

Ellie, Rosie, Lorna and Ian

Time for an experiment?

Time to experiment? As more people are working remotely, it’s important to consider how to keep engaged and remain creative. Lindsay McGregor and Neel Doshi have identified three points linked to motivation that can lead to increased effectiveness: these are play, purpose and potential. To read more, click here.

We’re delighted to be continuing our collaboration with Dharohar based in Udaipur, India. Dharohar helps young people develop the skills and mindsets needed to succeed in a rapidly changing world.

The current engagement is based on our three part ‘Reaching New Horizons’ programme; click here to learn more about that; or here for more insights about Dharohar. Below is a photo of some Dharohar team members during our last face to face visit in 2019.

Dharohar team.jpg

What is ‘Sustainability Exchange’? Sustainability Exchange aims to be the world’s leading resource of sustainability information. We’re excited to announce that they are promoting our new book and some of our Thought Leadership Papers. To view and read these please click here.

Many thanks to Iain Patton, CEO of EAUC (the Environmental Association for Universities and Colleges) who has helped inspire this process. Iain is one of our Advisors. He is involved in various ways including leading a new strategic initiative about Coaching and Mentoring. Watch this space for news on that in coming months.

Dr. Jane Goodall quote: “One individual cannot possibly make a difference, alone. It is individual efforts, collectively, that makes a noticeable difference—all the difference in the world!”

Have a great day!

Ellie, Rosie, Lorna and Ian

New Normal, New Thinking - what does a connected organisation look like?

What is Crossref? Crossref is a very dynamic organisation that makes research outputs easy to find, cite, link, assess, and reuse. It is a not-for-profit that exists to make scholarly communications better.

We’ve been facilitating team development sessions with Crossref. Vanessa (Fairhurst) - a member of the team at Crossref - is also one of our Advisors.

Vanessa wrote a chapter in our new book. This is titled: ‘The Connected Organisations’. Click here to read the book.

The Chapter examines how the organisations we work in are shaped by influential technologies. It explores how we can all better connect and work together using these technologies.

We’re excited to announce the launch of a ‘Fownhope website’ that Rosie created. Click here to see this. Fownhope is the name of the local community where we are based in the west of England.

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Arundhati Roy quote:historically pandemics have forced humans to break with the past and imagine their world anew”. Click here to watch a short clip (less than 2mins) in which Arundhati Roy talks about the important opportunities that can arise from the covid-19 for humanity.

Have a great day!

Ellie, Rosie, Lorna and Ian