How can we eliminate violence against women and children?

How can we eliminate violence against women and children? We have been facilitating a strategy process with a US based ‘Justice Group’. This inspirational group of women is striving to reach horizons: it is concentrating on the Elimination of Violence Against Women and Children with a particular focus on formal and informal education.

We have also just facilitated a learning forum on gender balance and cross-cultural communication. This was with a group of remarkable leaders from across the Lasallian network.

The learning forum was part of a wider programme centred on helping bring about strategic and cultural change across the Lasallian network. It has involved the contributions of many people over this past year, most recently, for instance, Fiona (Dowling). Thank you to all involved.

Our Feminist Principles? During the learning forum we shared our nine principles. These are pictured below.

Feminist Principles.jpg

Want to learn more? Click here to read our Thought Leadership Paper on Developing a Gender Balanced Mindset. Or here to hear a fascinating podcast about a feminist called Mary Astell; she lived hundreds of years ago and was one of the first people to highlight the connection between achieving gender balance and education.

This Year’s Annual Report – click here to read our latest Annual Report which has just been published following the completion of an independent examination of our Accounts

Alice Walker quote: “No one is your friend who demands your silence or denies your right to grow”

Have a great day!

Ellie, Rosie, Lorna and Ian