How would you like to go for a walk?

A walk? We often use the notion of “walking-around” the Caplor House in our sessions. For instance, most recently with the board and staff of Dóchas

When considering behavioural preferences, the “walk-around” can be a very effective individual and team development exercise. Or it can be used as a planning or strategy tool. To learn about the concept of a walk-around, click here

Dóchas is the umbrella body for international development organisations in Ireland. We are delighted to have been facilitating two activities recently: (a) a learning process with the Chairs and Deputy Chairs of “Working Groups”; (b) the development of an “Interim Strategy Statement” which has included team development and a session on governance with the board.

Dóchas works very closely with the Government of Ireland. Click here to read more about the Irish Government’s Policy on International Development.

What is Hope-Based Communications? Through our partnership with UK based Paper Boat, we are working with CEDAR, an NGO in Tamil Nadu, India. Currently we are conducting a 3-part online programme called “Hope Based Communications.”

What does the programme involve? The first session focused on “why do hope-based communications and stories of change matter”; the next on “how can stories be collected and communication improved”; the final session on “what actions will be taken going forwards”. To learn more, relevant to this approach, read “The Influencing Organisation” chapter in our new book by clicking here

John Muir Quote: “I only went out for a walk and finally concluded to stay out till sundown, for going out, I found, was really going in.”

Have a great day!

Lorna, Ian, Rosie and Ellie