How can we all move forward with hope, optimism and confidence?

Happy New Year! It’s a very challenging time. People within the Caplor Community that receive this are based in different countries and face different circumstances. However, what unites people is the remarkable and important work being done. We wish you all every possible success in 2021.

Our purpose is “to inspire and enable leaders to deliver a sustainable future”. Our resolution is to continue to find ways to do this as effectively as possible. We thank all those that have recently been contributing to the renewal of our strategy. More on that to follow in coming months.

How to move forward with hope, optimism and confidence? We recommend an article called “How to reenergize organizations for the long run”. It explores ideas on working life in a Covid-19 world. Click here to read.

The article highlights five areas to consider: encourage “bounded optimism”; listen deeply for responses to stress; develop adaptability and resilience; focus on care, connection and wellbeing; develop energy by evolving the organization’s approach.

Ella’s is recruiting! Ella’s is a longstanding partner of ours. They are a London-based organisation working with women who have survived trafficking and sexual exploitation. Ella’s is looking for two new board members. Click here to find more information about the roles and how to apply.

We continue to incubate an organisation to speed up government action towards a healthy planet. This is called The Commitment. A very big welcome to three new team members who started this week: Ruth Marshall, Daniel Greenwood and Sophie O’Connell.

Helen Keller Quote:optimism is the faith that leads to achievement. Nothing can be done without hope and confidence”.

Rosie, Ellie, Lorna and Ian