Why does unconscious bias matter so much?

Unconscious bias. Our work with Irish based An Cosàn has been wide ranging. This has included recently assisting the CEO, Heydi Foster-Breslin, and her team facilitate an unconscious bias initiative. To watch a short animation about unconscious bias, click here.

Wolf-pack?! Last week we gathered online for our sixth and final session with An Cosán this year. Each time around 100 people are involved. An Cosán has epitomized the resilience and commitment of many organisations that we work with - e.g., because of the pandemic, moving various very important services to communities online. Click here for insights about An Cosán’s Wolf-pack culture and values.

We appreciate that 2020 has been a very difficult year because of the covid-19 pandemic and other important issues. For instance, in recent weeks, we have supported the work of Children Watch in Tamil Nadu. The Children Watch team initiated an emergency response programme because of dreadful cyclonic activity that is causing immense suffering in the area.

Reflecting on the remarkable commitment and resilience of so many of the organisations we work with, we will do our utmost to keep delivering and improving what we do in 2021.

Thank you! We would like to say a very big thank you to everyone that is involved in Caplor Horizons in one way or another. We could not do what we do without the very generous and proactive engagement of many people.

We wish you all very best seasonal wishes. Here is a picture from our board meeting a couple of weeks ago. The geese theme is to do with our values and culture. Click here to learn more about this.

Merry Christmas!.jpg

Dalai Lama quote: “There are only two days in the year that nothing can be done. One is called ‘Yesterday’ the other is called ‘Tomorrow’. Today is the right day to love, believe, do and mostly live.”

With great appreciation and warm wishes,

Rosie, Ellie, Lorna and Ian