What is the Caplor House?
The Caplor House is an organisational effectiveness and leadership development model.
It represents different aspects of the way in which we think and behave.
It is a helpful tool to understand your own leadership and behavioural preferences and those of others.
Caplor House Cards Exercise
Get started by taking part in an interactive exercise that will give you an understanding of your leadership preferences and behaviours.
To take part in this 5-minute exercise, click the button below.
How can it be used?
The Caplor House can be used for individual self-awareness and learning.
It can also be used at team, organisational and community levels to help understand each other better and how you can work more effectively together.
It can also be us as a tool for coaching.
Learning about The Caplor House
The Caplor House is a multi-dimensional tool for learning about different leadership behaviours and preferences. Click the links below to see its many different aspects and uses.
What do people say about the caplor house?
“ACSONI colleagues still speak the language of the Caplor House, a foundational process that helped us gained a better understanding of each other and how we could take advantage of the strengths in our team. ”
“The “Caplor House” model has become a standard part of language at work, giving all of us an easy way to talk about shifting perspectives and looking at a situation or opportunity in a holistic way. ”
“The unique ‘Caplor House’ method of tapping the energies of team members for the shared task in hand has to be experienced to be appreciated. ”
“Over the years we’ve repeatedly used the Caplor House exercise to help volunteers and staff better understand the ways in which teams can work.
“Exploring our leadership preferences through the Caplor House lens gave me and other senior staff confidence in our leadership in this area, which enabled us to tackle difficult decisions and as they have been arising and better understand how we can work more effectively together.“”