Think Big. Act Wild?!

Think Big. Act Wild?! Recently, we chaired, spoke and facilitated a keynote and break-out session at a fascinating Conference. This was organised by our long-term partners EAUC. Hundreds of UK based students and leaders involved with the movement towards a sustainable future participated in the Conference.

The keynote included the Director of Rewilding Britain, hence ‘Think Big. Act Wild’. Other contributors to the keynote - called ‘The Future Now’ – included the Co-ordinator for the UK’s first Local Conference on Youth; the Director of Drawdown Labs and Prince Charles. Dan shared a model focused on how to think differently about transformational change. See below.

The Future Now  - KEYNOTE  Monday 16th November 2020.png

What is Rewilding? Rewilding can be defined as the: “restoration of ecosystems to the point where nature is allowed to take care of itself.” Furthermore, it seeks to: “reinstate natural processes and where appropriate, missing species.” To learn more about Rewilding and Rewilding Britain click here

Thank you! On Friday we had 63 people (based in 11 different countries) from our Caplor Community join a first session of our ‘Strategic Change and Development Group’. Currently 90 people have generously committed to being involved with the Group at one point or another.

What is this about? In essence, we want to be creative and involve members of our Caplor Community in the development of our new strategy (our current one runs to March 2020). And we want to do this in a systematic way that will strengthen our structure. If you would like to know more, please get in touch. We will share about our progress as we go along.

Want to be involved? If you are not a member of this Group at the moment, though would like to contribute in a highly efficient way (that would only take around 5-10 mins), we would very much welcome your attention to questions in a survey. Click here to access the survey. Thank you for considering this. Everyone is very welcome to take part and contribute.

Rewilding Britain quote: “Think long term. Think joined up. Think natural processes. Think climate resilience. Think Big. Act Wild.”

Have a great day!

Lorna, Ian, Rosie and Ellie