Time for an experiment?

Time to experiment? As more people are working remotely, it’s important to consider how to keep engaged and remain creative. Lindsay McGregor and Neel Doshi have identified three points linked to motivation that can lead to increased effectiveness: these are play, purpose and potential. To read more, click here.

We’re delighted to be continuing our collaboration with Dharohar based in Udaipur, India. Dharohar helps young people develop the skills and mindsets needed to succeed in a rapidly changing world.

The current engagement is based on our three part ‘Reaching New Horizons’ programme; click here to learn more about that; or here for more insights about Dharohar. Below is a photo of some Dharohar team members during our last face to face visit in 2019.

Dharohar team.jpg

What is ‘Sustainability Exchange’? Sustainability Exchange aims to be the world’s leading resource of sustainability information. We’re excited to announce that they are promoting our new book and some of our Thought Leadership Papers. To view and read these please click here.

Many thanks to Iain Patton, CEO of EAUC (the Environmental Association for Universities and Colleges) who has helped inspire this process. Iain is one of our Advisors. He is involved in various ways including leading a new strategic initiative about Coaching and Mentoring. Watch this space for news on that in coming months.

Dr. Jane Goodall quote: “One individual cannot possibly make a difference, alone. It is individual efforts, collectively, that makes a noticeable difference—all the difference in the world!”

Have a great day!

Ellie, Rosie, Lorna and Ian