All of our services can be adapted to be in-person or online
We have a significant level of experience in working with complex organisations (both physically and virtually) operating in the full-range of time zones, across all the major continents.
We have developed an approach to facilitate the full engagement of stakeholders using appropriate techniques such as surveys, conversations, focus groups, large group zoom interactions (e.g. regularly with over 100 attendees at any one time) and utilising a range of tools such as breakout rooms, polls, chat, mentimeter, feedback and other techniques.
Our Webinar Series
As part of achieving greater influence, we often host webinars for our Caplor Community. You are all very welcome to attend these. For more information, contact us. Recordings of some of our previous webinars can be viewed below:
Challenging today to create tomorrow
The Coronavirus crisis has challenged all our assumptions about what is normal in today’s world, and what to expect in the future. Although it has disrupted the way we work and live, it has also provided an opportunity for us to reconsider the legacy we want to leave on this planet and how we need to challenge our practices in order to create a more sustainable future.
Are we in danger of alienating our female talent?
Recent articles suggest that women are more adversely affected by the current crisis, especially during lockdown or when working from home. This webinar addresses some of the inherent inequalities that may be emerging during the crisis, how these are affected by gender, and how we as leaders can take action to maintain fairness and well-being for all those in our organisations.
Click here to read a paper about feminist leadership.
Leading our way through change in the coronavirus world
The Coronavirus pandemic is having serious implications for many people and organisations across the UK and globally. Now, more than ever, leaders around the world are in need of support and guidance to safely get through this pandemic and effectively assist those most in need.
Click here to view an artistic representation of the webinar by Ben Oldroyd, one of our Advisors
Cross Cultural Learning
Worldly leadership invites us to embrace leadership wisdoms from many different cultures. As leaders we must be sensitive, embracing and respectful of difference. We must be curious to understand the many cultures in which we operate, and the many different worlds within worlds that make up our globe.
Click here for a paper on ‘Cross Cultural Communication’ by Peter Moore
some examples of our Online tools and Resources
Six senses of teamwork
Teams can now assess how they are doing in relation to the Six ‘Senses’ through our online questionnaire
Culture assessment
Understanding organisational culture is important because it is the single largest factor that inhibits organisational improvement and change.