Our 10-Year Impact Report!

We’re excited to share our 10-Year Impact Report here. Hot off the press, this is a study of studies, based on an analysis of our previous annual impact assessments. It also takes into account activities over the previous year in the run up to our big birthday. We were intrigued to reflect. What would stand out? What had excited us? What had worried us? And so on. 

As you’ll discover, seven main themes, or ‘transformative journeys’, have been identified. Each chapter covers one of the journeys. We celebrate successes, highlight challenges, pinpoint learning and share stories. Most importantly, we express our deep appreciation to everyone that has made it possible. Here is an extract from the summary.

One thing that was very evident is that we have worked with a very diverse set of organisations. Many have engaged with us in different ways for several years, whilst we are fortunate to keep starting with new ones too. For instance, this month we have new opportunities to work with INTRAC and the Small Foundation. INTRAC is a not for profit that provides training, consultancy and research globally to help civil society organisations and networks be more effective. The Small Foundation’s mission is to ‘act with urgency and ambition to catalyse and scale income generating opportunities for people living in extreme poverty in rural sub-Saharan Africa’.   

The Commitment, an environmental advocacy initiative we incubated, has been transferred to VoteClimate. Just to update that this has gone very well. You can read more about the transition here. Various initiatives are happening. For instance, VoteClimate along with the National Trust, RSPB, Extinction Rebellion, Chris Packham and many others are supporting a march in London from 12.00 on Saturday 22 June to Restore Nature Now.

Change maker of the month

Maya Angelou Quote: ‘do the best you can until you know better; then, when you know better, do better.’ 

This is something that inspires us and is especially relevant to our 10 year Impact Report. We are determined to reflect and learn lessons; to strive to do better when we know better.   

Best wishes
Ian, Lorna, Rosie and Kemal