New Normal, New Thinking - what does a connected organisation look like?

What is Crossref? Crossref is a very dynamic organisation that makes research outputs easy to find, cite, link, assess, and reuse. It is a not-for-profit that exists to make scholarly communications better.

We’ve been facilitating team development sessions with Crossref. Vanessa (Fairhurst) - a member of the team at Crossref - is also one of our Advisors.

Vanessa wrote a chapter in our new book. This is titled: ‘The Connected Organisations’. Click here to read the book.

The Chapter examines how the organisations we work in are shaped by influential technologies. It explores how we can all better connect and work together using these technologies.

We’re excited to announce the launch of a ‘Fownhope website’ that Rosie created. Click here to see this. Fownhope is the name of the local community where we are based in the west of England.

Fownhope PC.png

Arundhati Roy quote:historically pandemics have forced humans to break with the past and imagine their world anew”. Click here to watch a short clip (less than 2mins) in which Arundhati Roy talks about the important opportunities that can arise from the covid-19 for humanity.

Have a great day!

Ellie, Rosie, Lorna and Ian