Why is trust like music!?

Why is trust like music!? According to Simon Sinek, running an organisation virtually is much more difficult compared to when face to face meetings are possible too. He focuses on trust and how this can be nurtured between formal meetings when people get together in person. Much like Isaac Stern, the violinist, who said "music is what happens between the notes", Simon believes that nothing can replace human contact. Watch his video below to learn more.

So what can be done? Working online has become increasingly important for so many people internationally. The key is to build trust online in whatever ways we can, realising the challenges involved. Also taking opportunities to meet face to face when it is safe to do so.
At Caplor Horizons we have found ways to use exercises like the Six Senses online that can help build teamworking, including trust, during sessions. Click here to read more. Also to find ways to socialise too (e.g. having catch up time before and after the main meeting for building relationships). Please don’t hesitate to get in touch if you would like to hear more about what we have learnt, including clicking here to find out about our ‘Reaching New Horizons’ programme.

In other news, we have been supporting Emerging Leaders on a range of governance issues through Peter Moore’s dialogue with the Chair. The mission of Emerging Leaders is to ‘unlock human potential in vulnerable communities around the world by equipping people with the mindsets, motivations and skills to flourish’. Click here to learn about this UK-based NGO and click here to read a recent testimonial from the Chair.

Emerging Leaders is now expanding its Board and seeking new members. If you’re interested in considering this, click here for a description of the role, which includes contact details.

Finally, don't forget to sign up to our next webinar which will celebrate the launch of our new book - soon to be released!! It is on 2nd October at 12 to 1:30pm BST/UK time. To learn more, click here. To register, click here. We hope to see you there!

Stephen Covey Quote: "Without trust we don't truly collaborate; we merely coordinate or, at best, cooperate. It is trust that transforms a group of people into a team."

Have a great day!

Lorna, Ian, Rosie and Ellie