Our new ebook - hot off the press!

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To read the ebook, click here! We would love to hear your feedback and thoughts. Either click here to contact us, or join our webinar on Friday 2nd October. At the webinar we will dive into some of the key themes. The webinar is from 12 to 1:30pm BST/UK time. To learn more, click here. To register, click here. We hope to see you there!

Who is this book for? Whether you are a volunteer, entrepreneur, activist, founder, private/public/not-for-profit sector leader, if you care about creating a more humane organisation that can meet needs, better support your team, and in turn contribute to a better world, this book is for you.
The generation of the book has been one of the largest undertakings of Caplor Horizons to date!  It has been a genuinely collaborative, voluntary venture, showcasing the knowledge, experiences, interests and imagination of 20 individuals from Caplor Horizons.
We’re self-publishing and promoting it as widely as possible. Please feel very welcome to pass it on to anyone you feel might be interested.
Many thanks go to: our authors Ann (Alder), Vanessa (Fairhurst), Charles (Handy), Vicki (Howe), Clive (Hyland), Peter (Moore), Lynne (Sedgmore), John (White), Sharon (Turnbull) and Simon (Oldroyd); our designers Ben (Oldroyd) and Simon (Oldroyd); our critical friends Geoff (Cox), Kemal (Shaheen), Shivani (Singhal), Veronica (Golding-Fletcher) and Dan (Bishop); our proof reader Peter (Moore); our editorial team; and all others involved with our journey!

Margaret Mead quote: "Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it’s the only thing that ever has."

Have a great day!

Lorna, Ian, Rosie and Ellie