How can we be more effective change makers?

Something new?! Please join us – together with authors and others involved – for the launch of our new book. This is called ‘The Change Maker’s Guide to New Horizons: organising differently for Sustainable Futures’. 20 people in total have been engaged in a huge voluntary undertaking to create this book. Many thanks to everyone involved. Here is the cover of the book.

Book 1.JPG

The launch will be in the form of our next webinar. It will be held on 2nd October at 12 to 1:30pm BST/UK time. To learn more, click here. To register, click here. We hope to see you there!
We recently featured our ‘Caplor Boat of Learning’. This has reference to the Five C’s of learning: ‘consciousness, creativity, critical curiosity, commitment and collaboration’. Click here to learn more. We would like to underscore our huge thanks to Deborah Wetherall for her inspiration. Deborah is a Paper Boat trustee and a member of Paper Boat’s new Strategic Education Community. Her unique and valuable contribution has been to adapt the language of the ‘5 C's of Learning’ into a more accessible format for use by children and young people, with the aim of enabling even the very youngest of learners to embark on a journey of effective lifelong learning.

In other news, thank you Denise (Mulligan) and Sue (Eames). We appreciate their important contributions in recent times to our capacity and strategy development work-stream with people from across Africa all of whom are involved with our long-term partners Edmund Rice.   
Coretta Scott King quote: “The greatness of a community is more accurately measured by the compassionate actions of its members”

Have a great day!

Lorna, Ian, Rosie and Eleanor