Who can we learn from?

Most of us contribute to organisations and movements in one form or another. Who can we learn from? Extinction Rebellion has received a very great deal of international attention. What lessons are emerging? A very recent Netflix documentary provides some fascinating insights: click here to watch a trailer of the documentary or you can read an article about it here. Some of the most salient points are not new such as the importance of leaders listening, being open to challenge and being willing to change. Other points are new insofar as we all need to keep exploring and committing to transformational ways to bring about systemic change.

Most of us are also concerned about education at all levels, including tertiary. Who can we learn from? Tertial level education refers to all formal post-secondary education e.g. universities, colleges, technical training institutes, and vocational schools. Here is an article which explores re-thinking tertiary level education. In this article, institutions across the world are called upon to “re-design their concern (purpose), conception (operation) and consequence (impact) if they are to make the substantial positive difference to the chances of global survival and well-being that they are uniquely capable of.” This is especially important in the context of challenges facing us all, including the environmental crisis.

Change is not quick enough. The reasons why tertiary level educational is not reinventing swiftly enough vary, including because many have departmental silos limiting collaboration. Deeper barriers to change also exist. This article, focusing on the UK, highlights how only around “a fifth of Universities have made genuine attempts to address the legacy of colonialism.”

Who else can we learn from? Many individuals do outstanding things. One of these is our long- standing Advisor, Sue Stockdale. Sue inspires us all to keep stretching what we can do. She has just published a new book and you can read about it here.

Change Maker of the Week:

Quote of the week: “When you talk, you are only repeating what you already know; but when you listen, you learn something new.” Dalai Lama

Best wishes
Rosie, Lorna and Ian