How can coaching and mentoring help leaders?

Many people at the frontline of change can face huge hurdles. Coaching and mentoring are powerful ways for leaders to be supported. And creating an environment that allows change makers to thrive is important. The role of Allyship is relevant to this: you can find out more here - this is a recent ripple paper called “Allyship – Journey to Justice.” Special thanks to Jade Dalton and Dr Lynne Sedgmore for creating this.

What is Allyship? Like mentoring and coaching and other important forms of relationship, Allyship shares an underlying aspiration: to help others to grow and to reach their full potential. What’s distinctive about Allyship is that it is conscious and deliberate about tackling injustices. Hence, in the title of the paper, the link between allyship and a journey to justice.

We’re exploring ways to expand and improve our coaching and mentoring. We want to contribute to enabling the next generation of leaders – especially women, environmental and under-represented change makers – to make a transformational difference. A group of around 15 people are meeting regularly to take this forward.

Recently, Iain Patton started in a new role with us. He is leading our efforts to progress our coaching and mentoring and link to supporting next generation change makers. If you’re in a position to volunteer in some way, then please contact Iain and he can explore this with you (click here to connect)

Change maker of the week:

Quote of the week
We need to learn to see challenges as stepping stones instead of hurdles. They can really bring you experience and closer to your goals." Rebecca Garcia

Best wishes
Rosie, Lorna and Ian