What does leadership in the future look like?

What does leadership in the future look like? People around the world are deeply disappointed by the example set by many leaders. As a result, many young people involved with our work have often said how they dislike the term “leadership” altogether. This is one of the reasons why we called our book “The Change Makers Guide to New Horizons: Organising Differently for a Sustainable Future”. It is also one of the reasons why we are developing a “Next Generation Change Makers” programme. Watch this space.

There is hope! A growing movement of people are determined to bring about change. For decades, a myriad of new and different leadership approaches have arisen. Many of these share an underlying conviction about the compelling need for more sustainable leadership. They share a growing sense of urgency about the need for fresh approaches that address environmental and social injustices in a rapidly changing context, including technological change.

All of these tackle injustice in one form or another: some emphasise social injustices, others highlight environmental injustices, most bring them together. Our model is based on 4Ps of People, Planet, Prosperity and Purpose; for more background and insights about this, see chapter 12 of our book.

New approaches in practice – last week we were with Ella’s, an organisation devoted to doing everything it can to ensure survivors of trafficking and exploitation have all they need to recover and build lives that are safe and free. The session was facilitated in an inspirational way by Dr Lynne Sedgmore CBE, one of our Advisors. Here is a picture from the day. Ella’s are an excellent team of change makers determined to meet today’s challenges in effective ways.

Change maker of the week:

Polly Courtice quote: “a leader is someone who crafts a vision and inspires people to act collectively to make it happen responding to whatever changes and challenges arise along the way. A sustainable leader is someone who inspires and supports actions towards a better world.”

Best wishes
Rosie, Lorna and Ian