Is Curious Questioning, Not Looking For Clear Solutions, What Will Define Future Leadership?

It’s been reasoned that a new paradigm of leadership is emerging; one that seeks to ask more questions. A recent article suggests post-pandemic leadership, may emphasise the importance of curiosity and exploration given the increasingly challenging context. To read the full article, click here.

We’re currently exploring the role of science and spirituality and how this can help develop human potential. One way of achieving this is to engage with children to help them to develop their creativity, including to shed the constraints placed upon them. This is being facilitated by our Advisors Kemal (Shaheen), from Paper Boat, and Clive (Hyland), from Make Sense.

Change maker of the week:

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Here is one of Ariram's beautifully captured moments:
About it, he says: I was given a zoom lens and encouraged to take more pictures. Happily, I went back looking for more interesting moments. There were these beautiful flowers that drew me. But before I clicked, I remembered what I was taught, that ‘photography is about telling stories’. So I waited for a moment to happen. To my surprise a beetle flew near the flower to collect nectar. I took the camera, looked through the lens and clicked. I was spellbound to see what I captured. I never knew I would be able to take such photographs. At that moment I felt so proud of myself and wanted to capture more and more stories.


Quote of the week: “The best way to capture moments is to pay attention. This is how we cultivate mindfulness. Mindfulness means being awake. It means knowing what you are doing.” - John Kabat-Zinn