Celebrating International Mother Earth Day!

We celebrate International Mother Earth Day! Susan Lieberman and Christian Walzer propose that we must promote a new paradigm: ‘One Health’, which recognises that planetary and human health are inseparable. You can read their paper here. To better understand why we celebrate this day, see a UN article here.

The Big Give? A remarkable opportunity exists to support The Commitment, our advocacy initiative to put climate change and biodiversity loss higher up the political agenda. The Big Give's Green Match Fund is a match funding campaign for charities that are working on environmental issues as part of their core mission. From midday 22nd April to midday 29th April, all donations made through The Commitment's campaign page will be doubled! To make a donation, click here.

What else can we do to fight biodiversity loss? This is a question the Gwent Wildlife Trust is working hard to answer; educating, influencing and empowering people to value the countryside they live in. Gareth (Jones), our Communications Advisor, created the short video below to showcase how the organisation is working to create a sustainable future for all.

Change maker of the week:

Copia de Copia de Green Elegant Women's Equality Day Social Media Graphic (1).png

Quote of the week: “We do not inherit the Earth from our ancestors; we borrow it from our children” - Unknown.