How can art be a catalyst for peace-building and healing?

Art can be a catalyst for healing and peacebuilding. The Colombian armed conflict was for a long time the world's longest active civil war until 2016, when the Peace Agreement between the government and Colombia's largest guerrilla group was signed. To commemorate this event, the Colombian artist, Doris Salcedo, undertook the difficult task of using art as a mechanism to heal, share stories and build back better. You can read more about her work and her “anti-monument” here.

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We’re excited to announce that Laura Gravini-Rodriguez has joined our Caplor Horizons team. She will be taking on the “Development Coordinator” role. We had an open recruitment process, receiving 110 applications and shortlisting 12 candidates for interview. Laura has worked in the international development sector at different levels. As a Colombian, she also had the opportunity to work with demobilised guerrilla members and victims of the armed conflict. She has recently been studying a degree in BA Philosophy, Politics and Economics (with a placement year) at the University of York.

Change maker of the week

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Quote of the week: “If you assume that there is no hope, you guarantee that there will be no hope. If you assume that there is an instinct for freedom, that there are opportunities to change things, then there is a possibility that you can contribute to making a better world.” - Noam Chomsky

Best wishes
Ian, Lorna, Rosie, Dan and Laura