How can we best take care of each other and ourselves?

How can we best take care of each other and ourselves? We like the metaphor of geese! We can learn a lot from them, like how they take turns to take responsibility to lead and how they offer support to one another in challenging times. You can watch a film about this here. For more insights into how this links to our culture, click here.

It is very important to not only be kind to others, but to also be kind to ourselves. We tend to put ourselves too far down the list. However, taking care of ourselves can help others even more when we are faced with difficult times. This article by Daphna Horowitz encourages us to “put our oxygen mask on first", looking after our physical, emotional, and mental health to ensure we are being the best version of ourselves with the people with whom we interact. She focuses on sleep, exercise, mindfulness, nutrition, and connection.

Many people around the world struggle with health, including mental health. We are currently working with See Change, an organisation in the West of England that has a vision of a world where every person has an open and positive attitude to their own and others’ mental health. See Change's psychotherapy focuses on children, young people and families.

Often, our work on strategy and strategic change focuses on income streams. From a practical, organisational health standpoint, increasing and diversifying income streams is highly significant. To read a recent Economist article on philanthropy, click here. Our papers on Trusts and Foundations might also be helpful.

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Quote of the week

“Care for your psyche…know thyself, for once we know ourselves, we may learn how to care for ourselves.” —Socrates