Our unintended consequences is here!

Quick update from Caplor Horizons!

On the 15th of October we joined the United Nations in celebrating the International Day of Rural WomenThis article by Forbes explores the inequalities faced by rural women, including access to paid employment, access to finance, access to public services and disproportionate caring duties.

A programme that we have contributed to in The Gambia seeks to address such inequalities. Since 2018, we have been working with United Purpose and other NGOs to support the facilitation of an initiative involving a women-led marketing federation: the Sosolaso (meaning “all united”) initiative has centred on the livelihoods, nutrition and networks of around 30,000 women farmers.

Our report on the unintended consequences of the Sosolaso initiative is here! With our NGO partners from TARUD and WIG, through interviews led by Baai Jaabang (TARUD), Isatou Ceesay (WIG) and Fatou Jaiteh (University of the Gambia), we considered the unintended consequences that we and others have been contributing to through this work stream. All too often, such scrutiny is not given, missing important opportunities to make improvements. We would like to thank everyone involved in The Gambia and Sam Bishop (University of Bath) for their valuable contributions. You can find a summary of the findings below and a full report here

Change maker of the week

Quote of the week:

"One isn’t necessarily born with courage, but one is born with potential. Without courage, we cannot practice any other virtue with consistency. We can’t be kind, true, merciful, generous, or honest.”- Maya Angelou

Best wishes

Rosie, Lorna, Dan, Ian and Megan