Going forwards with courage, compassion and creativity!

It has been argued that the best way of achieving an organisation’s aspirations is to look inward before looking outward. This can involve change at an individual level; which will lead to organisational change; and then to change in society more widely. To read the article, click here.

This is one of the driving principles behind our new strategy at Caplor Horizons: the “ripples of effect”. We have adapted our strategy to better fulfill our vision of creating a world where leaders deliver a sustainable future for all. By being courageous, compassionate, and creative in facilitating transformational change, we can transform the leadership of individuals, strengthen the resilience of organisations, and increase collaboration within society.

To read our new strategy, click here. You can find our new strategy on a page below:

Caplor Horizons SOAP.jpg

Change makers of the week:

Copia de Copia de Copia de Green Elegant Women's Equality Day Social Media Graphic (2).png

Quote of the week: “Yesterday I was clever, so I wanted to change the world. Today I am wise, so I am changing myself.” - Rumi