Why does the food we eat matter?!

Vandana Shiva is a famous advocate for ‘food sovereignty’ and shares the importance of adopting an organic approach to farming as well as the importance of ‘Eating Consciously’. To read this fascinating article and learn some tips, click here

Malawi Fruits is an organisation that’s focus is to establish and grow sustainable community businesses in the north of the country. Malawi Fruits more specifically provides training in modern farming technologies including compost manure making and growing of improved and certified seed varieties. We have facilitated a session with the leadership team focussing on the Caplor House and the Six Senses in recent days.

Malawi Fruits.png

We’re hiring! We are advertising for a new role – ‘Development Coordinator’. If you are interested, please see here. Applications are open, and close on 1st March.

Vandana Shiva quote: "In nature's economy the currency is not money, it is life"

Have a great day!

Ellie, Lorna, Rosie and Ian