New Co-Directors, new ways of working and thinking?!

We have some big news - we have two new Co-Directors! As we have developed and embedded a “Co-Directorship” approach at Caplor Horizons over the last four years, and supported some of our clients and partners in exploring this in their own organisations, we are delighted to announce that Rosie (Bishop) is joining Lorna (Pearcey) and Ian (Williams) as a Co-Director of Caplor Horizons. A new trio! And William (Eccles) and Ian have become Co-Directors of The Commitment. A new duo! For those still not familiar with The Commitment, please click here; its purpose is “to put climate and the natural world higher up the political agenda”.

William Eccles Photo.jpg

Here are some of the biggest benefits we’ve identified, from this collaborative approach to leadership:

  • Better sensitivity, depth of relationships and collaboration

  • Better quality of decision making

  • Better prioritisation of health and well-being

  • Better reflection and learning, including richer insights about opportunities and strengths, risks and areas to improve, plus a more soulful approach.

  • Better pace of action.

Please get in touch if you would like to learn more about our journey, and to read our paper on Essentials of Collaboration, please click here.

We’re hiring! In light of our changes, we are now advertising for a new role – ‘Development Co-ordinator’. If you are interested, please see here. Applications open today, and close on 1st March.

Science and Spirituality. We recently had the pleasure of hosting an online workshop with two inspirational speakers: Clive (Hyland), an Advisor and specialist in neuroscience; and Kemal Shaheen, an Advisor and Director of Paper Boat. The session explored how Science and Spirituality are coming together and how can this inform our work.

To gain some insights, you can read our ‘Essentials of a Learning Organisation’here (pages 9, 10, 11), including how the emerging learning from neuroscience underpins our Caplor House model. To delve deeper and learn more, click here to find out about Clive’s most recent book called “The Neuro Edge: People Insights for Leaders and Practitioners”. Finally, for a thought-provoking video called ‘My Stroke of Insight’ click here.

Rumi quote:“You are not a drop in the ocean; you are the entire ocean in a drop.”

Have a great day!

Lorna, Ian, Rosie and Ellie