Who do you appreciate?

What is the difference between recognition and appreciation? According to an article in November’s Harvard Business Review, it’s important to understand the distinction. The author reasons that...

  • Recognition tends to be about giving encouraging feedback based on positive things that have been done. Acts of recognition might be carried out formally (e.g. giving an award), or informally (e.g. saying thank you). It is based on something that has been achieved.

  • Appreciation tends to be about acknowledging a person’s inherent value – rather than an emphasis on accomplishments, it is about about someone’s worth.

In summary, the author reasons that ‘recognition is about what people do; appreciation is about who they are’. Appreciation can be given by anyone to anyone. And by showing appreciation we’re more likely to build trust, connect and stay enthusiastic and engaged. Click here to read more.

At Caplor Horizons we appreciate our community and the wonderful support people give. Some examples in the past few days include: Lynne (Sedgmore) facilitating a session at the Haygrove Away Days around the Enneagram; Clive (Hyland) exploring neuroscience with Kemal (Shaheen) and the team at Joe Homan Charity; Peter (Moore) providing Governance input at Ella’s; Dan (Bishop) working with All We Can; Deven (Thakkar) working on making our tools more accessible online; and Suzy (Cook) for keeping us on track with our finances!! So many people contribute in so many important ways – THANK YOU!

Have a great day!

Lorna, Rosie and Ian