The challenges require us to transform our approach. How can we do better?

Maya Angelo inspired many people in many ways. She once wrote:do the best you can until you know better; then when you know better, do better.” How can we do better? How can we transform our approach given the challenges facing our world?

We stand in solidarity with people affected by the Ukraine Crisis. As we have seen the Ukraine conflict unfold, millions of lives have been profoundly affected. In response, so much has happened, including many people generously opening their homes and contributing resources to help those in need. So much is influenced by the stories that are told. Click here to read an article about how stories of dignity and solidarity – stories about “a larger us rather than a them and us” - can help to positively change attitudes and behaviours.

Governments can do better. Women and children are disproportionately impacted by humanitarian crises. In conflict situations, gender-based violence, limited access to education and reproductive health services means many women and children suffer. E.g., you can read this article on the impact of UK government cuts.

How can the NGO sector do better? How can we at Caplor Horizons do better? This week, we have our next “Strategic Change and Development Group” (SCDG) gathering. The SCDG helps us to develop and deliver our strategy. It comprises “experts by experience” of our work. We hold two gatherings per year and consider emerging strategic priorities. To learn more, click here.

This SCDG gathering will focus on the current and future roles of the not-for-profit or NGO sector. The role of the NGO sector has always been to bring about positive societal change. But how does the role of the sector need to change going forward? For instance, should NGOs be advocating for change differently and in a much bigger way? How are NGOs affecting systemic change? How can all of us do better? And what are the implications for Caplor Horizons and others that we work with?

If this sounds of interest, please watch this space: we will reflect on the discussion this week and most probably offer a similar event more widely to people within and beyond our community. Many people have said that this is an important and timely conversation to have.

Change maker of the week:

Quote of the week
I wish we'd be able to deliver our message at the global level on the need to recognise the past genocides to prevent new ones. Our message of peace and justice will hopefully reach every corner of the world.” Widad Akryeia

Best wishes,
Lorna, Rosie, Ian and Megan