What does Charles Handy say about partnerships and collaboration?

Bringing stories to life. We recently had the pleasure of speaking with Charles Handy, a leading thinker of our time and our Thought Leadership Advisor. Charles has been proactively involved with Caplor Horizons since we were established. The conversation centred on partnerships and collaborations. Charles said that the secret to bringing about collaborative change is "talking together in meaningful ways, building relationships and trust, then finding common measures of success". To find out more, read the full conversation here.

We have a new video hot off the press! Charles Handy states, "what Caplor Horizons is very good at is entering into the spirit of an organisation, finding its soul and giving expression to this; then being there to remind them of it." To find out more about what Caplor Horizons does, watch our short 2-minute video here. A huge thanks goes to Gareth (Jones), our Communications Advisor, for putting it together and our various partners for being involved.

Centring farmers and workers in climate conversations. Fairtrade fortnight ran from the 21st of February to the 6th of March. Fairtrade is about social, economic and environmental justice. This year focused on the role that Fairtrade has in centring farmers and workers in the conversations on how to tackle the climate crisis. These insightful and inspirational two weeks showed how everyone has the power to drive systemic change through support and visibility.

How is Caplor Horizons bringing about sustainable transformational change? We are working in many ways, both internally and externally, to deliver a sustainable future. A central theme that runs through all our sustainability work is our commitment to the 4Ps (Purpose, Planet, People and Prosperity). For example, we are currently updating our Sustainability policy to be guided by these. This policy, which will be supported by a Ripple Paper and Action Plan, will inform and underpin all our choices as an organisation.

Change maker of the week:

Quote of the week
Small scale farmers deserve to be at the top of your list of environmental superheroes." Marike de Pena

Best wishes,
Ian, Lorna, Rosie and Megan