Can COP26 bring about change?

How can governments come together to tackle climate change? Having been delayed by the COVID-19 pandemic, the 26th COP will take place in Glasgow, Scotland. It hopes to bring together politicians and representatives from various sectors to tackle climate change and protect biodiversity.

What are COP26’s goals?

The COP26 are:

  1. Secure global net zero by mid-century and keep 1.5 degrees within reach.

  2. Adapt to protect communities and natural habitats

  3. Mobilise climate finance

  4. Work together to deliver

How can you get involved? COP26 is going to be held from today until the 12th November 2021. It has events that can be attended virtually or in person. You can read about these here. You might like to consider the Global Day of Action (6th November) plus the People’s Summit for Climate Justice (7th-10th November) and this map of local hubs or actions may be helpful.

Can’t go to COP26? Here’s how else you can take action...The Commitment is a climate and biodiversity organisation. We amplify the voice of citizens to their local politicians to encourage them to do more for the planet. So, if you make The Commitment, you can call on politicians to do more. Here is the link to the website. Alternatively find us on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and LinkedIn. Caplor Horizons also has an upcoming webinar on Climate Change and Biodiversity loss, if you’re interested sign up here.

Climate action requires collaborative action! Tomorrow our Strategic Change and Development Group are gathering to discuss important priority areas for the future. A key area of discussion will be around “climate change” and “collaboration”. We recently attended a webinar about this topic hosted by Reos Partners. One of the speakers talked about the value of “courage” and its importance in collaboration for systemic change. This is one of our values. Click here to watch a recording of the event.

Our updates: thank you for those who have provided feedback already to our survey. We are interested to know more about how we can make our updates as relevant and useful as possible so, if you have not yet responded, please click here to access our quick survey.

Best wishes,

Rosie, Lorna, Dan, Ian and Megan