How can you reach new horizons?

How can you reach new horizons? We all need to consider new horizons during these remarkable Covid-19 times. We are finding that a practical three-step approach seems very relevant for individuals and teams along with organisations more widely. This can be tailored to specific circumstances.
The three steps address these questions. What have we learnt? What are our ‘new horizons’? How will we get there? Please get in touch if you would like to explore how we might facilitate this. To read more about our ‘Reaching New Horizons’ programme, click here. To read about our online services more widely, click here.

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For instance, we are currently collaborating with Haygrove – an international horticultural business and long-term partner – to facilitate a programme to transform their approach to sales. This is in the wake of the coronavirus pandemic and very major shifts in the operating environment – notably a revolution in online engagement with customers. It will take place online with a team of 25 people in multiple countries. It is designed around the Reaching New Horizons programme.
Mentoring. A recent short piece from the BBC was called: ‘The Power of Mentoring’. It showcases how valuable and transformative mentoring can be on someone’s life. To watch it, click here.
At any one point in time, various Advisors are involved with mentoring activities. For instance, many thanks to Lynne (Sedgmore), Matthew (Lake), Iain (Patton) and Dan (Bishop) for current workstreams that they are involved with.
Diane Olin quote: “mentoring isn’t an extracurricular activity. It’s vital for cultivating an enriching, inclusive community”
Have a great day!

Lorna, Ian, Rosie and Ellie