Are you swimming in a blue ocean?!

The world’s changes and complexity present opportunities for new ways of working and greater impact. ‘Blue oceans’ can open up?! Renée Mauborgne and Chan Kim are Professors of Strategy at INSEAD. They created an internationally respected and compelling notion about blue and red oceans, originally based on insights from businesses. However, the idea applies to any sector.
In not-for-profits, ‘blue oceans’ are new opportunities for achieving exceptional impact. For example, through the application of information technology in new ways.  A blue ocean has the ‘wide and deep potential of unexplored areas’ where the ‘rules of the game’ are waiting to be set. By contrast most organisations – trapped by conventional thinking – are struggling in ‘red oceans’ in which many other organisations are operating with a similar focus or approach. As the challenges facing the world increase – such as the urgent need to promote highly effective ways of tacking climate change – it is vital to consider blue ocean strategies. Here is a summary of three of the main ideas….


Thinking about oceans! At Caplor Horizons we encourage organisations to ‘learn, think and act differently’. One of the main tools for doing this is our ‘Voyage Board’. Click here to see the board. And here to see the one page insights. The board and icons can stimulate people to think creatively. Many thanks to Ann Alder and Geoff Cox who had the initial inspiration. And to others in Caplor Horizons who helped develop it.

SWAN Advocacy provide ‘advocacy services to support a diverse range of vulnerable people across the South West of England’. This week we are facilitating a strategy review with trustees and staff. We’ve been engaged with SWAN Advocacy in different ways since 2016. With appreciation to all Advisors that have been involved. For instance, Iain Patton who has provided mentoring input to the CEO.

Renée Mauborgne quote about blue ocean strategy: "You should feel afraid. That doesn’t make you weak. It’s what makes you normal and human because it’s shifting from what you know to imagine new possibilities."