What is a quadruple bottom line?!

The Triple Bottom Line – People, Planet, Profit – is an important framework designed to enable organisations to extend their horizons beyond the economic norm. John Elkington coined the term in the 1990s. He stated that it focuses organisations “not just on the economic value they add, but also on the environmental and social value they add or destroy.” This approach can be used to produce standardised reports and drive positive action. Click here to read more in one of our Thought Leadership papers.

More recently the notion of a quadruple bottom line has emerged. The fourth bottom line, often named ‘purpose’, is also sometimes expressed in terms such as ‘soul’, ‘spirituality’ or ‘culture’. A sustainable organisation needs a healthy sustainable culture in which every member feels connected to the core purpose. A quadruple bottom line approach is very relevant to the huge challenges and opportunities facing humanity.  

This week, we have our fourth engagement in The Gambia helping to assist women farmers in making their organisations more sustainable. A quadruple bottom line approach is being used as a framework. This includes: assisting the farming organisations in becoming more economically viable; strengthening leadership and team-working; identifying methods and strategies for reducing impact on the environment; supporting the wider development of organisational culture. A big thank you to everyone who has been involved in different ways so far. Particularly Denise (Mulligan), Chandra (Ladwa), Saf (Ghapson), Fraser (Williams) and Dan (Bishop).