Who empowers who? Women lifting each other up?

Empowerment culture is often a way of reinforcing current power structures. Either "giving you power" or "enabling you" suggests that somehow you are incapable of helping yourself. Power is never given, it is taken. At Caplor Horizons we aim to support others to help themselves through facilitation, allyship, coaching and other relationships. Click here to read our paper titled: "Allyship - Journey to Justice".

It’s time to stop slavery! Today (18th October) is Anti-Slavery Day. Trafficking, exploitation and other types of modern slavery devastate lives. One of our long term partners, Ella’s, supports survivors of slavery, and are part of the Coalition to Stop Slavery. This is made up of 16+ other leading anti-slavery charities. Their aims are to increase public awareness of modern slavery and make a powerful call on Government to take action.

They are inviting others to take action, here’s what you can do:

  1. To increase awareness of modern slavery, how to spot the signs and how to report concerns, Ella's have launched a new campaign called "It’s time to stop slavery". Please help spread knowledge by following their campaign on Twitter, Instagram and Facebook and sharing their content this week…especially today on Anti-Slavery Day.

  2. There is also a petition to call on the Government to ban the import of products tainted by modern slavery. Please add your name and share with your contacts.

This week (17th - 21st October 2022) is also Environmenstrual Week. Menstrual taboos and the stigma shaped by social, cultural and religious norms mean that periods are not openly discussed and are rarely celebrated. Even in 2022 menstruation is still surrounded by a shroud of secrecy and shame.

Period shame dictates which products are used as well as how they are disposed.This has an impact on the health of women, girls and people who menstruate AND massive consequences on the environment and wildlife nationally and globally. Environmenstrual week is a week of action to celebrate all things periods! Click here for the Women's Environmental Network (WEN) Action Week Toolkit.

Earlier this year, Ellie (Evans), one of our Advisors, spent time in Uganda working on a period poverty programme. This programme was started by a small group of local women, who travel around schools each week to give talks to both boys and girls on menstrual health. They have also been able to create emergency funds for the provision of sanitary pads within schools. Moreover, the women have begun to lead workshops for schools and local women in how to create reusable sanitary pads which are more sustainable.

Change maker of the week:

Quote of the week: ““Women's freedom is the sign of social freedom." Rosa Luxemburg

Best wishes
Lorna, Rosie, Ian, Iain and Kemal