What's new at Caplor Horizons?

Who’s our new Co-Director? Hot off the press, at our September board meeting, Kemal (Shaheen) was appointed as a Co-Director. Kemal brings a wealth of experience, knowledge and expertise to our team and we are delighted to have him in this role. Kemal has been involved with Caplor Horizons, as a client/partner in the past with INASP and Paper Boat, and was involved as an advisor for many years before becoming ‘Director of Collaboration’ in 2022. 

Our stories? We see in our day-to-day work, the importance of sharing stories. Earlier this year, in our 10 Year Impact Report, we included a section called ‘Transformative Journeys Within’; we were encouraged to write stories about ourselves. The learning and reflection involved was very helpful. You can read insights about Kemal (here), Lorna (here), Rosie (here) and Ian (here).

What’s our latest resource? Recently we circulated a new resource on shared leadership. It includes a rationale for the approach, our reflections, wider insights and case studies. This followed an in-depth review led by one of our trustees, Shivani Singhal. 

We are always keen to engage with people on this topic. We are delighted to have been invited to speak on shared leadership at an upcoming conference of not-for-profit leaders. This is with Federation EIL, a global network of organisations that promotes intercultural learning experiences. The Federation EIL is a UN Peace Messenger organisation, and its members work together to develop new programmes and improve standards for international cultural education. The Federation is made up of member organisations in 21 countries. Stretching back to 2015, this was one of the first federations that we worked with in a substantial way. We have continued to support this federation through its members, EIL Ireland and EIL UK. 

Change maker of the week

Gaza and Lebanon Appeal. One of our partners, the Irish Emergency Alliance, is responding to the current crisis through their brave humanitarian workers across Gaza, the West Bank, and Lebanon, to bring life-saving essentials to those who need them most. Watch their 1-minute video about the situation here, and to donate, click here

Quote: “When we listen and celebrate what is both common and different, we become wiser, more inclusive, and better as an organisation.” — Pat Wador

Best wishes
Rosie, Lorna, Kemal and Ian