What is world wellbeing week?

The World Health Organisation states that wellbeing is “a state of complete physical, mental, and social wellbeing, and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity.”

We recently celebrated ‘World Wellbeing Week’, with activities all over the world helping people to look after and celebrate their wellbeing.  It provides the opportunity for people to celebrate the many aspects of wellbeing including: meaningful, purposeful work; physical, mental and emotional health; social resilience; empathic corporate and civic leadership; community relations; and care for the environment.

Connect, be active, take notice, keep learning and giving. At Caplor Horizons, our journey of health and wellbeing continues, and we would like to celebrate Georgie (Treasure Evans) for accompanying us on our journey. Since the beginning of COVID-19, Georgie has provided us with weekly online Kundalini yoga sessions to support our health and wellbeing.  We would like to express huge appreciation to Georgie. These sessions have provided real benefits to both mental and physical wellbeing and provided a great opportunity to have a shared experience together as a team. Please see Georgie in action below. To find out more about Kundalini yoga, and Georgie’s work, please click here

Some tips for wellbeing in the workplace

  1. Remember to take regular, short breaks, to stretch and to give your eyes and brain a rest. Go outside if you can.

  2. Ask for assistance when needed.

  3. Practice mindfulness if things become stressful. Being in the present, increases awareness and clarity, which directly enhances wellbeing.

  4. The 4-7-8 breathing technique known to bring instant calm (breath in to a count of 4, hold for 7, and exhale to a count of 8).

  5. Do yoga!

Changemaker of the week:

Louise said of her placement: "The future of our planet is especially daunting and sometimes an overwhelming prospect for my generation. However, through my work this week with Caplor Horizons and The Commitment my eyes have been open to all the incredible work they are doing to combat this global crisis giving hope to our futures. This has been truly inspiring for me".

Quote of the week:

Best wishes
Lorna, Rosie and Ian