What is the right number of people in a team? It depends!? Lots of people have researched a great deal about ideal team sizes. An anthropologist, Robin Dunbar, draws links from his research about meaningful relationships: e.g. he reasons that that humans tend to have five intimate friends, 15 or so good friends, around 50 social friends and 150 odd acquaintances. The implications of this for teams and organisations was recently explored in an article in the Economist. Click here to read more.
Webinar: We are delighted to be able to share more information about our forthcoming webinar on Friday 13th March at 12pm (UK time). Follow the link here and, if you are interested to attend, please confirm to rosie@caplorhorizons.org.
The Commitment: in light of the election in the UK in late 2019, a lot of work has been going on to ensure the strategy is aligned to the new political reality. Click here to read a two page update, including about constituency trials; and here if you missed the findings of the quantitative research carried out.
Collaboration with Ella’s: Ella’s provides long term aftercare for women who have experienced abuse through trafficking and sexual exploitation. Today Peter (Moore) is at their offices on the next phase of a strategy development process. A picture from the last team session on strategy is below.
Community Engagement Survey: Every year we aim to engage with a cross-section of Caplor Horizons stakeholders to collect feedback about how we are doing and how we could improve. This year our focus is with our partners and clients. If we have worked with you in the past, or are currently working with you, please click here to complete this 10 minute survey. We would really appreciate your feedback!
“The best part of life is not just surviving, but thriving with passion and commitment and humor and style and generosity and kindness.”
Happy Tuesday!
Lorna, Ian and Rosie