Why stretch our collaboration? — Caplor Horizons

Why stretch our collaboration?

Collaboration for transformational change. ‘Increasing collaboration’ is one of our three strategic goals. We believe that through collaboration we will achieve long lasting change and greater impact. Dr Ann (Alder) and Dr Geoff (Cox), two of our Advisors who are both experts in experiential learning, argue that collaboration is a crucial element of effective lifelong learning. This is one of 5Cs of learning (see below). To find out more, read our Chapter 4 of our book!

Collaboration is particularly impactful when you work with 'non-natural' collaborators. Adam Kahane, Director of Reos Partners, proposed that we need to move beyond ‘conventional’ collaboration to what he calls ‘stretch collaboration’ involving the ideas of i) accepting plurality; ii) experimenting new ways forward; and iii) potentially rethinking our own part in the collaboration. To find out more watch this video.

We are very lucky to have Séamus (O'Gorman) leading on our collaboration workstream with several others including Sharon (Turnbull) and Nick (Read). Séamus has a passion for collaboration due to his background as a Jesuit and previous work with Irish NGO Misean Cara. He currently works with Dóchas, The Irish Association of Non-Governmental Development Organisations, helping to build and strengthen the effectiveness and impact of the network.

Taking Collaboration Forwards. On 1st February (11.30-1.30pm UK time) we are holding a webinar titled “A step change in impact on climate change and biodiversity loss?” This promises to be an exciting event on the need for courageous and transformational change which can be catalysed through collaboration. Sign up here if you’re interested.

We're going to fortnightly updates. After receiving your feedback, we have decided to have fortnightly Weekly Updates. We hope that this will enable us to delve deeper into exciting new topics. See you in two weeks!

Change maker of the week:

Quote of the week
‘If you want to go quickly, go alone. If you want to go far, go together.’ African Proverb

Best wishes,
Ian, Lorna, Rosie and Megan
