What are the three intelligences?

What are the three intelligences? Various researchers have shared insights about different types of intelligences- e.g., one reasoned that there are seven types. Martin Kalungu Banda gave an inspiring presentation about how to lead from the emerging future by using three types of intelligences linked to 'Theory U': "Curiosity - Open Mind"; "Compassion - Open Heart"; "Courage- Open Will". Click here to watch Martin's presentation (1 hour) or to find out more about Theory U, click here.

How can we embody them? By being curious, leaders can open their minds. By acting with compassion, leaders can open their hearts. Finally, by being courageous, leaders can overcome any fears they might have and open their will to embrace new experiences and ideas.

These three "intelligences" reflect our core values: Creativity, Compassion and Courage. To find out more about our values and their links to the three intelligences, click here. As Clive Hyland, one of our Advisors and a specialist in neuroscience, says “The values of Caplor Horizons represent a state of total engagement, where we are instinctively, emotionally and intellectually invested in a cause that is greater than any one of us.”

What is the Big Give Campaign? This week The Commitment is part of the Big Give Christmas Challenge 2021 which goes live today! From today until 12pm on December 7th, any donations made will be DOUBLED through match funding.

Why is the Big Give important? As the world reflects on COP26, the need for The Commitment has never been so crucial. By showing politicians how much their voters care for the climate and natural world, The Commitment gives them a powerful reason to match their words with action. Our target of £22,500 will help us keep up the momentum after COP26 and ensure a healthy planet is at the top of the political agenda. Together, we can. Learn more and donate now.

Change Maker of the Week

Tamil Nadu is currently facing extreme challenges, such as flooding linked to climate change. This has particularly affected the Irula tribe, if you want to support them please get in touch.

Quote of the week
“That is what I consider true generosity: You give your all, and yet you always feel as if it costs you nothing." - Simone de Beauvoir

Best Wishes,

Ian, Lorna, Rosie and Megan