How can technology improve efficacy?

We believe that next generation organisations will be increasingly connected. One source recently stated that 57% of the global population is now connected to the internet, spending an average of 6.5 hours per day online. This demonstrates just how integrated technology and the ability to be constantly connected has become in our lives. To find out more, read “Chapter 6: The Connected Organisation”, from our book.

How can Non-Governmental Organisations (NGOs) benefit from technology? Technology can ensure that processes can be efficient, particularly the most basic and necessary. Simplifying tasks such as handling expenses, calendar management, or updating records can mean that people can focus on bigger issues and explore new projects and ideas, as well as encouraging a culture of continuous improvement and innovation. Furthermore, cloud-based solutions enable team members to work more collaborative and remotely from around the world.

How does United Purpose (UP) use technology to empower farmers in The Gambia? UP’s Market Information Service (MIS) is a mobile phone based tool that provides farmers, who are mostly women, access to reliable price information for their chosen markets in local languages. This empowers the farmers to make better decisions about when to sell their vegetables and for how much. Caplor Horizons are supporting this project in The Gambia through capacity development training. Bringing technology through initiatives like this, helps reduce the ‘digital divide’ (those that benefit from technology like this and those that do not have access).

How are Caplor Horizons using technology to be more effective? As we continue to grow, we are improving the ways we use technology to support our work. This involves adopting a Customer Relationship Management (CRM) platform. A very big thank you to Eamon (Stack), Patricia (Higgins) and Deven (Thakkar) who have been supporting us through this journey.

The Big Give: The Commitment is part of The Big Give's Christmas Challenge. By donating it is a powerful way to show that you are voting for a healthy planet. Help them reach their target of £22,000 between 30th November and 7th December.

Change Makers of the Week

Quote of the week

“Information and Communications Technology unlocks the value of time, allowing and enabling multi-tasking, multi-channels, multi-this and multi-that.” Li Ka Shing

Best wishes,

Rosie, Lorna, Ian and Megan