Join our next event to gain some new ideas about coaching!

Coaching has been found to be highly effective for countless numbers of people internationally. We have included it in our work from the outset. However, in the past couple of years Iain (Patton) and a group of our Advisors have inspired a process to take this to another level. Ann (Alder) has especially lifted our horizons. 
We would like to share what’s new and emerging with you at our next event.
This is on March 2nd between 12:30 and 14:30 GMT (*please note this time has changed from previous newsletters). Click here to register and receive the Zoom link. As well as gaining some fresh insights, you will have a chance to meet with others from the Caplor Community. 
To whet your appetite,
one cornerstone of what we have been doing, has been to take our Caplor House walkaround to another level for coaching purposes. Click here if you’d like an introduction to the “walkaround”. 
Whilst we have been creating something new, we continue promote existing great resources.
Such as the well-known “GROW” model, standing for Goals, Reality, Options and Will. Many coaches use the GROW model to help people set goals and bring about change. Less well known, though also very powerful, is Ikigai, a Japanese concept meaning “a reason for being”. Ikigai considers life in relation to talents, passions, and profession, as well as what a person can contribute to the world.

In other news, our networks in Ireland are continuing to grow and we recently started working with some new partners such as the Irish Emergency Alliance (IEA), Christian Aid Ireland, WorldWise Global Schools, IASIO (Irish Association for Social Inclusion Opportunities), and World Vision. See some pictures from recent sessions led by Kemal and Ian below. 

Change maker of the week

Maya Angelou quote: “do the best you can until you know better; then, when you know better, do better.”

Best wishes
Lorna, Rosie, Ian, Iain and Kemal