Honk!? What can we learn from Geese?!

What can we learn from Geese? Recently we shared a short film about leadership lessons from wolves. Also we shared the one page summary about the culture of An Cosán, a Dublin based community organisation that we’re delighted to be working with, that is inspired by the way a wolf pack lives together. Lots of people seemed to enjoy that. So here is a video about geese!
Honk?! As many of you know, one of our favourite, most fun packed exercises, is about geese. It centres on the example that geese demonstrate about ‘distributed leadership’. In the absence of being able to do this exercise with you all, the key point is that geese show distributed leadership in various ways, including taking turns to be the leader - to fly at the front of the ‘v’ formation. In the same way, in different facets of our lives, we can all demonstrate leadership and take turns to lead.  Here is a picture of a ‘v formation’

Would you like to join our webinar on Tuesday 9th May (12-1.30pm UK time) about the implications for women, including on leadership, of the Covid-19 pandemic? Click here to see the agenda; here to read an article about how the crisis is threatening to ‘undo a century’s worth of progress that women have made’ ; and here to read about a recent poll indicating how women appear to be bearing the ‘emotional brunt’; about how they are being ‘disproportionately affected’, including ‘greater anxiety’.  If this interests you, sign up to the webinar here!
Rumi quote: ‘you were born with wings, why prefer to crawl through life’
Very best wishes to you all

Rosie, Lorna and Ian