Health and happiness to all!

As one year ends and a new one begins, people will wish those around them “health and happiness”. Wishing one another “good health” is a practice that perhaps pre-dates recorded history. It crosses religious, cultural and ethnic divides. The Ancient Greeks, for example, worshiped the Goddess Hygieia – who epitomised health and cleanliness – as well as her father Asclepius the God of medicine. David Bohm, a quantum physicist, writes:

“It is instructive to consider the word ‘health’ in English is based on an Anglo-Saxon word ‘hale’ meaning ‘whole’: that is, to be healthy is to be whole. Likewise the English ‘holy’ is based on the same root as ‘whole’. All of this indicates that [human beings have] sensed always that wholeness or integrity is an absolute necessity to make life worth living.”

Perhaps there has always been something important about the role that “wishing someone good health” plays in deepening connection with others and helping to build stronger communities?

And good health for people and planet remains profoundly important for us all. SDG 3 is Good Health and Wellbeing: ensure healthy lives and promote wellbeing for all at all ages. Furthermore, new research in the Journal of Happiness Studies, suggests that merely wishing someone else well can contribute to our own wellbeing – a practice known as ‘Metta’ or ‘Loving Kindness’ in Buddhism. 

At Caplor Horizons, one of our three values is Compassion. This interesting article by John Kabat-Zinn (American professor emeritus of medicine) links the practice of loving-kindness to compassion (for self and other); he highlights some of the health benefits of compassionate awareness. 
We believe that it is essential for the health and wellbeing of organisations and leaders to live their values. You can read more about our approach to ‘Understanding, Living and Leading the Values of your Organisation’ in this wonderful paper by our Organisational Development Advisor Professor Sharon Turnbull. Huge appreciation to Sharon for all of her work on this and other recent papers!

For The Commitment, which is part of Caplor Horizons, the health of our planet is central. The health of the planet is intimately connected to our own health as human beings and all life that we share our planet with. This is why we are delighted that our partnership with the UK Health Alliance on Climate Change is going from strength to strength. You can read a recent blog by Richard Smith former editor of the British Medical Journal and Chair of the UKHACC (published recently in BMJ Opinion) about why he endorses the Commitment here

Make a donation to The Commitment this festive season and help us continue our important work speeding up government action on the climate and nature. As a charity organisation, we rely entirely on voluntary donations. You could even donate to The Commitment on behalf of a loved one! All you need to do is write 'Gift for *name*' in the donation comment box and we will email over a certificate. Please note – gift donations must be made by Friday 23rd December in order to get a certificate in time. ➡

Here is a picture from our December board meeting. We take this opportunity to wish you all good health and abundant happiness for the festive period and the new year to come. Thank you for being part of our community!  

Changemaker of the week: 

Quote of the week: “A mind committed to compassion is like an overflowing reservoir – a constant source of energy, determination and kindness.” Dalai Lama

Best wishes
Lorna, Rosie, Ian, Iain and Kemal