Collaboration for greater equality in a pandemic!

Across the world, the not for profit sector is looking for solutions to respond effectively to the inequality arising from the pandemic. Working collaboratively is one of the ways that is increasingly significant. There are many different ways of collaborating – from strategic partnerships through to mergers. Please click here to read our paper on collaboration; this includes an annex about mergers; to gain further insights about mergers click here to watch a webinar from MzN.

The current pandemic has led to increased inequality and immense challenges for people. Please see below two ways we can all make a difference.

Through our collaboration with Children Watch in Tamil Nadu, India, a new initiative is starting with the Irula community, focused on young people. We greatly appreciate the inspiration of all the team at Children Watch; and also one of our Advisors, Usha (Ladwa-Thomas) for enabling this to start. If you would like to financially contribute towards this, please get in touch. Thank you.

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A new international initiative in response to the global pandemic: “Get One = Give One”. As some countries start to roll out Covid-19 vaccines, it’s important that people in the world’s most disadvantaged communities get access regardless of their ability to pay. To learn more and potentially contribute toward this initiative click here. With great thanks to our Advisor, Lord Paul (Tyler) and also to Nicky (Tyler) for reaching out and for inspiring action on this.

Kakuzō Okakura quote: “The art of life lies in a constant readjustment to our surroundings.”

Have a great week!

Lorna, Ian, Rosie and Ellie