A case for making it simple?!

When striving to influence, Niro Sivanathan prompts everyone to keep in mind that…

  • “You cannot increase the quality of an argument by increasing the quantity of an argument.”

  • “The delivery of your message is every bit as important as its content.”

  • “Stick to your strongest, most compelling arguments.”

To learn more about the case for “keeping it simple” click here

We have had the privilege of engaging with the Cabinet of our local Council in Herefordshire in the UK. For instance, we facilitated a session based around our “Six Senses of Teamwork” exercise. Click here to learn more about this exercise. As a locally based organisation, we were greatly encouraged with the strong sense of authenticity and common purpose, plus the conviction to keep striving to a make a meaningful difference.

Our Neuroscience Advisor, Clive (Hyland) has written a new book titled, The Quantum Way: Understanding the Science behind Happiness & Workplace Engagement’ Click here to order the book. Clive is also one of the chapter authors of our book. Click here to read the book or click on the picture below to read his chapter, The Human Organisation.

Brene Brown quote: “Authenticity is a collection of choices that we have to make every day. It’s about the choice to show up and be real. The choice to be honest. The choice to let out true selves be seen.”

Have a great week!

Ellie, Lorna, Rosie and Ian