We have a range of online learning modules around leadership and team development that are supported by our distinctive tools, models and approaches.
To find out more about our online offering, read our flyer:
The New Normal: Covid-19
The world is rapidly changing around us. The Coronavirus pandemic is affecting people very acutely across the world. Each day more and more is learnt. However, so much remains uncertain.
Click the button below to read our Thought Leadership Paper about ‘Leading our way through change in the coronavirus world’
Our Webinar Series
As part of achieving greater influence, we are hosting a series of monthly webinars. You are all very welcome to attend these. For more information, contact us. Recordings of our previous webinars can be viewed below:
Leading our way through change in the coronavirus world
The Coronavirus pandemic is having serious implications for many people and organisations across the UK and globally. Now, more than ever, leaders around the world are in need of support and guidance to safely get through this pandemic and effectively assist those most in need.
Click here to view an artistic representation of the webinar by Ben Oldroyd, one of our Advisors
Cross Cultural Learning
Worldly leadership invites us to embrace leadership wisdoms from many different cultures. As leaders we must be sensitive, embracing and respectful of difference. We must be curious to understand the many cultures in which we operate, and the many different worlds within worlds that make up our globe.
Click here for a paper on ‘Cross Cultural Communication’ by Peter Moore
some examples of our Online tools and Resources
Six senses of teamwork
Teams can now assess how they are doing in relation to the Six ‘Senses’ through our online questionnaire
Culture assessment
Understanding organisational culture is important because it is the single largest factor that inhibits organisational improvement and change.
For testimonials click on the icons:
June 2020
April 2020